"Nanoart is new direction in art, containing the images obtained by electronic and atomic-force microscopes. The fact is that before the digital fingerprint becomes to be an object of art, we just put a little spice to reality. "
The centre is equipped by multifunctional analytical scanning electron microscope Supra 40 with microanalysis systems. Supra 40 allows us to research materials for nanotechnology, micro- and nanoelectronics devices, biological objects, new materials of chemistry industry, etc. Thousands and thousands of images were obtained since the centre's discovering, and some of them (after a little editing in digital imaging soft) are presented in "Nanoart gallery". Every piece of "nanocraft" has an original title and short comment.
Our authors and masterminds:
Zlatoustova Olga Yuryevna
Postgradute, department of physics Yaroslavl State University, site administrator
Naumov Viktor Vasilyevich,
Ph. D., Associate professor of
general and experimental physics department, electronic microscopy laboratory chief
Churilov Anatoliy Borisovich
Ph. D., Associate professor of nanotechnologies in electronics department, spectral analysis methods laboratory chief
Rudy Aleksandr Stepanovich
Doctor af Science, professor, microelectronics department chief, deputy director of the Centre, director of Yaroslavl branch of IPT
«Nanoart gallery»